& so a Promzilla is born.
Delay between posts is as I have given up my laptop. Only on here to post these for a few people who have requested them. *cough* Megan. *cough* *cough* Mr. Benton *cough*
So .. basically. I wasn't all that bothered about prom, just an excuse to have a bit of a get together, etc. Wasn't excited really by the whole date prospect, going with my most recent ex, who I am still good friends with, so there was nothing too special about that.
The dress .. has changed it all. To quote Carrie Bradshaw : "The dress just upped the anti."
I have been re-born as a Promzilla. A breed of girls who have fits about the prom. A breed of girls who obsess over their dress, make-up, hair, nails, tan, etc. for the night of the prom.
I never saw myself as one of these girls. But voila! Here i is.
I never thought I was the type of girl who would stress herself about getting a tan because of the most stupid-est of reasons . . because her date is naturally tanned & she didn't want to look pale next to him in the pictures. Now seriously.
all my love