Monday, 13 April 2009

Clarissa The Avenue.

Hello bloggers.

I really should be in bed, but am in a state of too much hilarity to manage the journey there.

I am in this state of hilarity as I have been discussing porn star names.

Take the name of your first pet, & add it to the name of your first house, street, etc.

My name would be . .


Major LOLs. Had a funny time pondering with Lukee, exactly what this avenue is . .

& we are making a film, about Clarissa & her wild ways. So stay tuned bloggers. . .



ps. if you are interested in playing the part of Clarissa The Avenue, requirements are:

- tall
- pretty
- blonde
- huge breasts

auditions shall be taking place sometime in the summer. enquire to myself or my fellow director if you are interested.
pss. the above picture of a rabbit is because Clarissa was an albino rabbit .. Clarissa was also a dude rabbit . . :L