Another self-obsessed blog from yours truly. (Y)
So, the other day I was clearing out stuff from underneath my bed, which was, effectively an enlightening experience. I found out three important things about me;
1) I like to hoard.
2) I have an unhealthy obsession.
3) I have been sharing my bedroom with a rather massive spider. Shown below. I'd like to call him Insy Winsy, but that depicts a lack of orginality & this spider was by no means "insy".

*shudders* Anyways, after this beast had been disposed of by my Mother & her trusty companion, Henry Hoover - oh yes ;) - I carried on clearing stuff out, finding lots & lots of rubbish that I had collected over the years & just shoved under my bed. Along with this rubbish I encountered an unhealthy obsession . .

The above picture is my 8 year old sister. & her disapproving face is because of the 55 magazines I found under my bed. That does not include the other 15 Glamour magazines in my wadrobe.
In this incriminating photo, there is £98.27 worth of magazines. Yes. That is only £22 pounds ish less than my prom dress. These have been collected over the last year and a half. Not good. Especially as magazines are seen to be bad for self-esteem , etc. Will I stop buying them? Probably not. Will I cut down a bit? Most likely. These magazines do not make me stupid. Celebrity culture, new fashion, etc is all just people feeding curiosity. I'm not going to act all mightier-than-thou, cos' I know they're probably of no actual use. But - oh - wait, look . . Jade Goody had an affair?! OhemGee!
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