Friday 10 April 2009


Good day, bloggers :)

Somewhere in between waking up, having a major cleaning spree in my room (which included polishing my skirting boards, but i don't have OCDs ..), doing all of my ironing which I haven't done for , er .. a while, getting all childish on the trampoline, having a mini rave (by myself) to cheesy nineties R 'n' B on the tv, I had a bit of a brainwave about what I would talk (rant) about on my first (second, if you count the nice introduction) post. This should hopefully keep Megan off my back for a while. (LOVE YOU!) :)

Yesterday, whilst being bored, I was flicking through articles and features on, which is the type of girly rubbish I like to indulge in when not feeling all intellectual, along with the monthly Glamour, fortnightly Look, More and Closer. Anyway, on the named site, I found an article which literally made me laugh so much I slightly questioned my ability to control my bladder.

Named article : (

You may need to read it to understand why what I'm saying is incredibly witty and funny.

Name Of Article : 6 Ways To Train Your Boyfriend.

Yes, TRAIN. Written and inspired by .. animal trainers.
I seriously question what type of guys these girls are going out with, and if they're even of the same species? Also questioning the respect they have for their guys, and how would they feel if their beloved beaus (which could very likely be your own dog, Fido, so watch it. Yeah and you, Patch!) wrote an article titled; "6 Ways To Train Your Girlfriend". Better yet, "6 Ways To Train Your Bitch." - Female dog, right? What an outrage that would cause amongst the many so called "femenists" out there.

I, Poppy, up until about a year ago, liked to consider myself as a "femenist". Never let a guy pay, never let a guy tell you what do do, never let a guy CHANGE you. After all, we deserve it, after women have to fight for our rights, yeah? Fight for equality. Yay, woop, amazing, Margaret Thatcher, a new generation of business women, woo ... write an article that teaches other amazing independant women to TRAIN a man in a relationship? Riiight. Makes sense. I think not.

See, "femenists" of today, are not just femenists, fighting for equal rights. They have become hypocrites. (Disclaimer, right here: I am in no way saying it applies to ALL femenists, but certainly a majority, and this is the feeling I am getting at the moment.) They're perfectly happy to complain about men looking at them like "pieces of meat" and using derrogatory language, but then think it's okay for them to do it, as it's only "a bit of fun". Women are perfectly happy to protest and fight to not be manipulated and controlled by men, but then write articles about training men? What?!

In my opinion, I think us women are a bit confused as to what we want in life , from a man, and how we want to be treated by a man. We expect men to know what we want, when we don't know what we want ourselves, this, my friends, will only end it more tears and emotional break-ups. We wanted men to help around the house, be more sensitive, etc etc. Now we want them to man-up a bit? Wouldn't you be confused? So maybe we should give guys a bit of a break as we're just as clueless sometimes, as they are?


ponder in peace!