Wednesday 30 December 2009

Reality TV.

6.00am and Bob is making himself some cornflakes. 6.15am and Bob has successfully finished his cornflakes. 6.17am and Bob is sitting on the sofa staring into space, obviously exhausted from the cornflake eating, and picking at his feet. Riveting. Definately worth staying in for.

Monday, 12th August, and Amy had "exclusively" revealed (on national television) that she is not going to end things with John.
Well that's a relief, wasn't it? We were all so very worried for John.

Reality TV. From the sublime and ridiculous to the mundane everyday occurrences in peoples' lives - it's pretty much all broadcasted.
Whether we like it or not, we will be hearing, reading, seeing, talking about our favourite Cockney girl, Mandy's, new bunion. In fact that very bunion and its tragic tale will probably have enough air-time to fill an entire episode. Excellent! Oh c'mon .. would you rather watch Bob eat more cornflakes? Although it's been rumoured that tomorrow he's holding a bit of a revolution .. porridge! How exciting! Just think, we'll be able to be with him every oaty step of the way.

Okay, enough. You get the idea. You probably get the above storylines rubbed in your faces every single day. A classic example is that of the case of Peter and Jordan. A story to divide the nation. Never have we seen such loyalty to people we don't even know. Actually, scrap that - we probably do. Their obvious need for attention and their slender grasp on privacy, sanity or the concept of "dignified silence" has led to the entire population knowing far more about them and their everyday 'adventures' (riveting scenes of them both sleeping, eating) and their bodily functions come to think of it - than we'd ever have cared to have known.

Programmes like Katie & Peter, Katie & Peter do U.S.A (yes, really - their daily routine was riveting enough to go international!), Big Brother, X Factor and god knows what else - all take up too much of our TV schedules these days.
Personally, I am sick to death of watching idiots play up to cameras, then get bored of playing up to cameras, then just going about their mundane, tedious daily lives - still being filmed because apparently that is what is classed as entertainment. Oh. Dear. God.

Then we are told we are becoming mindless TV-watching machines with not a thought for culture or education - is it any wonder?! Put something on our TVs that is stimulating, interesting and entertaining! I'm not even talking about making every channel a carbon copy of the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, i'm just suggesting something a little more productive. Instead of some bunch of idiots on a show, telling us they've got what it takes, then telling us about their single Mum of three with kidney failure, one leg, three fingers and no eyebrows, then winning the competition after millions of viewer's spending money on voting, and then we never hear about them or their unfortunate mother again. Something to make us think, question things and absorb knowledge.Rather than just learn the obviously ground-breaking knews that Bob made the decision to stop feeding his cereal habit and switch to toast. (Yes, really! You didn't hear? Shame on you!)

Get rid of pointless Reality TV, thank you very much. Or would you rather we carry on the descent into a society where all we have to talk about is Katie Price and Peter Andre's split? No wait, hang on ...