Tuesday, 23 June 2009

I really should stop. .

. . reading my horoscopes.

i hardly ever believe they apply to my life. however, sometimes they are uncannily similar to my day. this could just be because there are billions of people in the world, a horoscope has to apply to at least one person, right?


PISCES - February 20th - March 20th
You can't fight a bullying bureaucracy at least not today. Trying to swim against the tide will just leave you battered and bruised. It's better to play along, even if your conscience is screaming in agony. Resist the urge to drop your duties for the sake of pleasure. If people see you having fun while everyone else is toiling away, you'll be a social pariah. A love affair may feel more oppressive than pleasurable. Break things off now, while you're still in control.

This is from Russell Grant, which I read almost daily. I shouldn't.
After a ridiculously unproductive day of missing a dentist appointment due to bloody buses and then unsuccessful job-hunting, this isn't what i wanted to read.

argh. a dollar for every person who can cheer me up.
i'm not american, and have no dollars, however it sounds better than a pound.
